Creating A Beautiful Moving Experience

When my boss told me that I would be moving a lot for work, I didn't really understand what he meant. I thought he would want me to move once every few years, but he really meant that he wanted me to relocate about once every six months or so for the entire rest of the time I worked for the company. Af first I was pretty upset about it, but after a few relocations, I realized that it was actually a great opportunity to see new places and meet new people. I made this blog to create a better moving experience for everyone out there.

Five Tips For Integrating The KonMari Method Into Your Move


Moving is a fabulous time to declutter, and if you've been thinking about trying the KonMari method, you may want to integrate that into your move. Made famous by Marie Kondo's books, the KonMari method focuses on eliminating clutter through a simple system where you get rid of everything that doesn't spark joy or have real use.

1. Prepare to focus on purging.

If you're staging a KonMari move, a lot of the move is going to be focused on purging. Get yourself ready for that mentally by focusing on how much pleasure you are going to have when you have less stuff cluttering up your space. Also, make sure that you leave ample time to go through all your items. In most cases, this shouldn't take much longer than a normal move. In some cases, integrating KonMari techniques into your move can even help save time and money as you ultimately end up moving less stuff.

2. Work through items in categories.

The KonMari method suggests moving through your possessions categorically. Start with clothing. Then, move through books, papers, miscellany, and finally sentimental items. By starting with relatively utilitarian items like clothing, you get a chance to practice the technique. The idea is that by the time you get to sentimental items, you will be a bit more seasoned at making the decision to purge, and that will help you get rid of items more easily.

3. Have boxes and bags at the ready.

When you're ready to start sorting, make sure you have a range of moving boxes and garbage bags. Bring out your clothes, put them in a big pile in the middle of your floor, and start going through them. Pick up each item. Don't just think about how often you wear it or anything else. Simply, hold the item. If it brings you joy, put it in a moving box to bring to your new home. If it doesn't spark joy, put it in a garbage bag to get rid of. Repeat this process with all the categories as listed above.

4. Get the whole family involved.

Ideally, you shouldn't attempt to run through this method with your family's possessions. Even young kids can have strong feelings about which items spark joy for them. If time permits, set aside time with each family member where you can go through their clothing, books, papers, miscellany, and sentimental items with them.

Remember moving can be stressful for everyone, and it's fine to encourage kids to get rid of stuff if you want to pare down. However, it's important to keep perspective and not battle. If it's only a matter of a few extra boxes, you may want to honor your kids' feelings rather than forcing them to get rid of something because it doesn't appeal to you.

5. Make a plan for purged items.

With the KonMari method, you may end up getting rid of a surprising amount of stuff. Even before you start the process, think about how you want to get rid of the items. If you like holding garage sales, schedule one for a week before your move. Alternatively, use an app such as Letgo or a website such as Ebay or Craigslist to sell items, but keep in mind that this can involve a lot of emailing, phone calls, or meeting with buyers. If you're limited for time, you may want to skip selling items or just sell the big stuff. Finally, if you have useable stuff, consider donating it. Many thrift stores will even pick up large donations, and if you itemize your taxes, you can claim a write off for the donation.

Consider hiring a relocation moving service for more help.


19 December 2016